Member Highlight: Protect Hanover
Hanover County, Virginia is probably most widely known as the birthplace of Patrick Henry as well as some of the nation's tastiest tomatoes. Located just north of Richmond, it is also home to a recent newcomer to the Coalition: Protect Hanover.
The purpose of Protect Hanover (PH) is to safeguard and improve the quality of life in Hanover County, focusing on the areas of planning, development, and the physical environment. The group was initially formed in response to a proposed Wegmans Distribution Center that will impact both sensitive wetlands and a historic African American community called Brown Grove.
A marbled salamander in a wetland hydrologically connected to where the Wegmans Distribution Center is planned. Its presence is an indicator of a high quality wetland. Photo courtesy of Chris French.
PH is first focused on defeating the current proposal to develop an ill-conceived Wegmans Distribution Center, which will not only negatively impact the Brown Grove community, but will also destroy more than 15 acres of high quality forested wetlands in the headwaters of Totopotomoy Creek. The project will also uproot unmarked graves and destroy the remains of identified archaeological features tied to the Brown Grove community.
Throughout this effort, PH has become more aware of the interconnection of environmental racism, environmental justice, and the systemic failings of our government institutions to protect communities and natural resources when driven by political and economic motivations. Time and again, PH has witnessed government-sponsored racism firsthand and established an incredibly robust and detailed record of how our institutions have failed affected stakeholders.
Environmental justice knows no geographical or watershed boundary. Protect Hanover stands in solidarity with other communities suffering from government sponsored environmental racism. We are excited to use our experiences to help build the capacities of other communities, so they do not have to experience the same learning curve as those who lack outside support.
Following recent revelations that Wegmans plans to install 4-5 emergency generators fueled by diesel, PH is seeking to learn more about air and on-site fuel storage permitting. To date, there has been no process to allow for public input. Records indicate the generator plans were withheld from state and federal regulators and the public.
As members of the Choose Clean Water Coalition, PH has two goals:
First, they seek the direct support of their fellow Coalition members to win the fight against the Wegmans Distribution Center. PH believes this an achievable outcome given the documented flaws identified in each permitting and zoning effort to date. Proper partnerships with a team atmosphere to share the collective burden will produce the resulting victory.
Second, PH hopes to share its story and build the capacity of others who would otherwise be left alone to defend their communities, water, and air resources, and to ensure justice is secured. Over the past year, PH has offered advice to our Virginia Coalition colleagues regarding both Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act and wetland permitting questions and concerns. We look forward to continuing to partner with others to provide similar support.
PH is happy to join the Coalition in its work to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams. Together, we will make a difference for clean water.
Rod Morgan is the President of the Board of Protect Hanover
Header photo of Brown Grove community members speaking with Bay Journal staff. Photo by Chris French.