All Hands on Deck for Frederick County's Forests
Between 2012 and 2019, Frederick County experienced a net loss of about 480 acres of forest, or an average of nearly 70 acres annually. This is because forward-thinking "no net loss of forest" policies were repealed in 2011 by the County Council. After years of perpetual loss, it was time to make a big change.
Creative Civic Engagement During the Pandemic
As an advocacy organization active with state and federal policy, in legislatures, and the courts, PennFuture views participation in voting as strategic to the environmental outcomes we work toward. So we moved intentionally into democracy work to ensure that this aspect of our democracy is optimized.
There's an App for That: Civic Engagement and Clean Water
At the headwaters to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in New York, the Ostego County Conservation Association is working to improve and protect the health of the local air, land, and water. Critical to this effort is encouraging our members to raise their voice through civic engagement.
Voting by Mail in the Old Line State
To pass strong environmental legislation, we must have the right elected officials in office. Nothing is more important to that goal than a robust election where voters'—all voters'— voices are heard and champions are elected that reflect their conservation values over the interests of those who would pave over forests and eliminate environmental protections.
Finding Peace in Nature: Cool Spring Nature Preserve in West Virginia
With the heat of the summer coming on and the pandemic still in full swing, many families have been spending a lot of time together, most often indoors. But there is so much to explore outside in nature and it is a great way to stay healthy and possibly sane.
Sierra Club Founder Not the Only Symbol of Racism the Environmental Community Must Reckon With
From the communities they engage to the people they hire to lead them, it is hard to ignore the large, white elephant in the room. And while most environmental organizations work and strive for diversity, this culture persists.
Taking a Stance for Equity and Inclusion at Delaware Nature Society
This is a period of growing discomfort for many white people and the institutions they serve. Many are beginning to uncover and challenge their own complicity and unconscious racial biases. It is time to harness that discomfort, learn from it, and take action as individuals and organizations.
Our Commitment to Equity
The Choose Clean Water Coalition staff join the broader environmental and conservation community in condemning the recent acts of violence against the Black community.
How to Support Farmers in the Time of COVID-19
I have to say, one of the hardest adjustments I had to make when the shelter-in-place orders took effect (you know, other than not seeing my friends, family, and adding a canine co-worker) was not going out and doing my normal grocery shopping.
Earth Day at 50: Progress, Challenges, and Hope for the Future
As we reflect on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we applaud the many environmental victories and the countless benefits they provide. But we also look forward to the next 50 years.
Virginia 2020 General Assembly Recap: Making Waves for Clean Water
In our fight for clean water in the Commonwealth of Virginia, some of the most critical battles are fought in the halls of the state capitol in Richmond. And in the 50-year history of the Virginia Conservation Network, this year's General Assembly session was the busiest.
Fracking and Cracking: Pennsylvania's Misguided Plan for Prosperity
You may not know it, but Pennsylvania is the second leading producer of natural gas in the United States with several of the top producing counties located in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Pandemic Publicity: Tips and Strategies for Communicating in the Coronavirus Era
The global pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19 is disrupting nearly every part of daily life. During this stressful and troubling time, thoughts and concerns on the health of local water quality and the Chesapeake Bay are far from mind. But the work of the Choose Clean Water Coalition and its members goes on, presenting a challenge to strike the right balance in our communications by acknowledging the current health crisis while moving the fight for clean water forward.
Taking the Bay to the Hill
Whenever anyone asks me about the power of the Coalition, one of the first things I mention is our Chesapeake Bay Day on Capitol Hill, or “Lobby Day.” Every year, the Coalition gathers its members from throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed to meet with their members of Congress and their staff to discuss the importance of funding for the EPA Chesapeake Bay Program.
Uncharted Waters: Coronavirus and the Choose Clean Water Coalition
As the coronavirus pandemic spreads and wreaks havoc across the globe, the Coalition and our 250 members are not immune from its impact. Organizations are cancelling or delaying volunteer events, services and programs are pausing to protect public health, and many groups are understandably anxious over the impact the economic downturn might have on fundraising efforts.
Gathering at the Bay's Headwaters
Achieving clean water throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed requires careful coordination between all parties involved. It was this need for coordination that led 150 people to converge on the Binghamton University Center for Excellence on an early October morning for the Fourth Annual Upper Susquehanna Watershed Forum.
The Chesapeake WILD (and Wonderful) Act
Eastern brook trout, American eels, and countless others, are part of West Virginia’s natural heritage. More than that, they are a vital part of our economy. But these species and their habitat won't be here forever, not without our help.
Fighting Polluted Runoff in the Old Dominion
Rapid and increasing urban and suburban sprawl has made polluted runoff the fastest growing source of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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